Our Great and Mighty God


When we come to God in prayer, He hears us. If we severed our relationship with Him through unholy living and selfish pursuits, we need to repent and come to Him to seek forgiveness. He is always ready to pardon a repentant heart. His faithfulness reaches to the heavens, and He always hears a Believer’s prayer who is made righteous by the blood of the Lamb (Psalm 143:1).
We could never attain justification in His sight by our good works, well-crafted words, or because we need something from Him (Ephesians 2:7-9). In these cases, He judges our behavior and finds us lacking in honesty and dedication (Psalm 143:2). He longs to find those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
When satanic forces wear us down, cause us to crumble under the weight of weariness, and force us to live in a soul-death that is absolutely overwhelming, we can look up, because God is always ready with the answer to our desolation (Psalm 143:3-4). Meditating on His Word brings us hope, direction, and encouragement (Psalm 143:5-7).
As we trust only in Him, God causes us to hear His loving kindness each new morning. He shows us the way in which we should walk as we consult Him each moment of our day. He fills our heart with peace and joy as we lift up our soul to Him. He delivers us from abusive people, unbearable situations, and satanic lies, as He hides us under the shelter of His wings (Psalm 91:1,4, 143:8-9).
As we mature spiritually and acknowledge that He is our God, He teaches us to do His will for our life. His Spirit is always good to lead us into His paths of holiness. He revitalizes us for His name’s sake, and for His righteousness’ sake He delivers our soul from trouble. We are His servants, and He destroys our enemies and those who inflict our soul with their cruel words and behavior toward us (Psalm 143:10-12).
Father God, You are our one true God, and Jesus is our one and only Lord. There is no one like You (1 Corinthians 8:6; Exodus 8:10; Jeremiah 10:6-7). From You came all things, and we exist to do Your will. You planned out our life before You even knit us together in our mother’s womb (Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 139:13-16). You are majestic in holiness, revered in praises, and never cease to perform wonders in the earth and for Your children (Exodus 15:11).
In Your majesty, You swiftly ride on the wind, clouds, and the heavens to our rescue (Deuteronomy 33:26). You are so great, and You deserve all our praises as You sit in Your holy city and on Your mountain (Psalm 48:1). Your loving kindness is better than anything we can find in this world, and it comforts and preserves us in all our afflictions and trials (Psalm 40:11). It is better than life itself and for this we praise You continually (Psalm 63:3). We take refuge in You in a world that sometimes frightens us (Psalm 17:7). 
Thoughts for the Day:
There is no one like our God. He is tender in His mercies, great in His compassion, and His unconditional love is everlasting. Those who are wise pay attention to His attributes, honor Him with our life, and serve Him with our whole heart. The truths of His Word continually preserve and encourage us.
– Psalm 69:16, 86:8, 107:43, 119:76; Jeremiah 31:3

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