Healing Grief through Body, Soul, and Spirit

When we depend on people after a loss in our life, we may encounter disappointment and even more grief. Our life view may not be compatible, even though we may be physically attracted and find comfort for our soul in them during this time. Experts advise that we not make an alliance with any one person during our recovery.

Spending time deepening our relationship with Christ within us will bring us more fulfillment than any human relationship. Making many new acquaintances and spending time with lifelong friends will give us companionship, and will keep us from clinging to another person to provide our need for intimacy. 

“Rebounding” is a real problem for us when we find our self alone in this world. We can prevent this error by allowing God to lead us during each moment of our day as we listen to His Spirit’s guidance through every decision and relationship we make. Waiting on the Lord is worth the effort and restraint.

Processing our true thoughts and emotions prevents us from masking them with unauthentic behavior that we use to convince our self and others that we have moved on with our life. Ignoring them will only prolong our healing process and negatively influence our future thoughts, emotions, and decisions.

Allowing our self to truly and deeply experience our grief will keep us from burying it in our subconscious mind. If we do hide it in our heart, we will experience the effects of this unresolved issue for the rest of our life. Adopting a listening spiritual ear and following the reassuring peace of God in our spirit in each decision guarantees our success.


Father God, help us not to develop or depend on addictions to help us to traverse the path of our grief. They only mask our feelings and prevent us from facing our true thoughts and emotions. Your Word gives us verses in the Psalms to pray, because the Psalmists experienced every emotion and loss just like we do. Show us other people who need our care during this time, so we can help one another walk through our grief.

No matter who we are or what we lost or how we feel, we can always pour out our grief to You because You truly care for us. You are the One who loves us above all, keeps us as the apple of Your eye, and lays down Your life for us. You are a strong tower for us to trust in during our times of hardship and grief, and You are just waiting for us to run into Your everlasting arms. 

Thought for the Day:

Comfort is just a prayer away. God may lead us to adopt a pet, join a Christian group that ministers to people with loss, give us more opportunities to serve others through finding a supportive church family, spending more time with our natural family doing fun activities, traveling with groups that plan excursions, and entering God’s rest will help us to heal quicker than sitting home alone with our grief.

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