A Good Marriage – The Tests of Time

Every relationship encounters mountains that need climbing and valleys that require crossing. It is hard for us human beings to go a day without arguing with our self, and if we add another person in the mix, it is downright impossible not to experience disagreements. 

Therefore, conflict is not the problem in a marriage, it is our response to it that makes the difference between a troubled marriage and a good one. Without a life-long commitment, a couple will draw apart during troubling times. If we allow it to simmer on the back burner of our life, then disappointment, resentment, bitterness, and anger will boil in the “pot” to which we add our issues.

The whole batch of emotions eventually burns and sticks to the bottom of the “pan.” We look outside our marriage and desire to buy a whole new “pan” rather than to clean the one we already have. We are willing to throw away our history together, our family unit, and our initial feelings of attraction to be free of the stench of scorching; however, the new “pot” can burn just as easily as the first one.

Our only hope is to trust in the Lord, prefer one another, and find a third solution through praying together in every stand-off we experience. If we demand our own way, one of us must give-in, and this never turns out amicably. It is usually the same person that sacrifices their soul every time.

A committed couple wants their mate to have the best in life, to enjoy all the peace and fulfillment this world affords, and we are willing to support one another as each of us reaches our fullest potential in life (Philippians 2:3). With God’s help, we protect our relationship from satanic lies, and selfish ambitions that would normally split us apart. 


Father God, remind us that our mate’s peace of mind, and fulfillment in life should be our highest priority, only after our own commitment to You. Also, we do not neglect our self, because that borders on codependence, which is a strategy of Satan to weaken our own soul; however, we do not neglect our partner’s needs either. We walk by the direction of Your Spirit and live a fulfilled life.

Thank You for helping us to discover each other’s “love language” and to pay attention to our mate when they talk to us about their needs. Help us to help them to provide for their needs in any way that we can. If they require something that is carnal and destructive, we can gently let them know how this affects us and will ultimately affect their relationship with You. We are honest, but compassionate as well. Thank you for always providing all our needs with Your glorious riches (Philippians 4:19-21).

Thoughts for the Day:

When we are only interested in our own hobbies, interests, goals, needs, and the “good things” of life, we rob our self of an intimate relationship with God and with our spouse. We also forfeit the best things in life. However, as we commit to our relationship above everything else but God, we provide a solid foundation on which our marriage can stand the storms of life, the treacherous terrain, and the tests of time.

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